Biography of The Earl of Caithness
(updated January 2004)
Born on 3rd November
1948, Malcolm Ian Sinclair, the Lord Berriedale (the title given to the
eldest son) he inherited the earldom and that title following the death of
his father, Roderick, the 19th Earl of Caithness, in 1965.
Roderick (Roddy) was a distinguished
soldier in the British Army with the Gordon Highlanders (now amalgamated
with the Queen's Own Highlanders (Seaforth and Camerons). He rose to the
rank of Brigadier and as such led his regiment (part of the 51st Highland
Division) through France, Belgium,
Holland and into Germany during
World War II. He was decorated with the CBE and DSO and after leaving
the Army was appointed the Regiment's Colonel. His first wife, by whom he
had three daughters (Jean, Margaret and Fiona), died during the war and
after it, in 1946, he married a widow Gabrielle Ormerod, whose husband had
been killed on active service in Africa leaving her with a daughter
(Susie). In 1947 while posted to Germany another daughter (Bridget), was
born and the next year in Burma, Malcolm was born. Roderick's next
posting was to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) where for three years he was given
the position of Command of their Army with responsibility for the training
of their officers to take over from the British ones following
independence from a colony. On returning to the
UK he was given various postings in
England and Scotland before in 1955 being appointed factor (land agent and
manager) of Her Majesty The Queen's private Estate at Balmoral,
Aberdeenshire where he lived until his death.
Malcolm spent the better part of his
childhood at Balmoral and went to the local village school before, in
British fashion, being sent to a boarding school when aged eight. It was
a very happy childhood in a large family and he was fortunate to have been
brought up in such an attractive part of Scotland with so many outdoor
sports and activities readily available. When he was thirteen, he was
sent to another boarding school, Marlborough College in Wiltshire, England and which his father
had attended. This was quite a contrast from what he had been used to in
Scotland and so the holidays became even more precious. His father died
when he was sixteen and Malcolm then became the Earl of Caithness. The
title dates from 871 when Caithness, Orkney and Shetland were part of the Norwegian Realm and Rognvald,
Jarl (Prince or Earl) of Moeri was granted the title of Earl of Caithness
and Orkney by King Harald of Norway.
In 1455 King James II of Scotland, with Caithness, but not yet Orkney
and Shetland under Scottish rule regranted the peerage of the Earl of
Caithness to William Sinclair. That is why Malcolm is both the 58th Earl
(including the Nordic dynasty) and 20th under Scottish law and hereditary
chief of Clan Sinclair.
Following his father's death his mother
was granted a "grace and favor" apartment in Hampton Court Palace by The
Queen and this became the new family home. Although originally destined
for the Army, Malcolm decided that was not the career for him, but he
would follow his father's latter career and become a factor in Scotland.
Before going to the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, to be trained
he worked for a year on the Duck of Buccleuch's estate at Drumlanrig,
Dumfriesshire, on land that was probably once owned by his ancestor
William, the Earl in 1455, when he was also Lord Nithsdale. He also spent
a year traveling and working abroad in the U.S.A., Australia, and Africa.
Having completed the three-year course at Cirencester, Malcolm worked for
a firm of land agents in Oxfordshire, England, to obtain his final
qualification. Following his marriage in 1975 he decided to carry on
working in Oxfordshire and following a change of jobs, began working part
of the time in London and soon shifted his business life full time to
London. His hereditary peerage game him the right to sit in the House of
Lords and politics soon became an important feature in his life, together
with his business. In 1984 his career changed again when Mrs. Margaret
Thatcher, the Prime Minister, invited him to join her reforming
government. He started as a Whip and Lord in Waiting to The Queen before
progressing to an Under Secretary of State at the Department of Transport
and then Minister of Sate at, successively, the Home Office, Department of
Environment, the Treasury, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and back to
the Department of Transport. He is the only hereditary peer this century
to have served in the three great Department of State (Foreign and Office
Offices and Treasury) and while in the Treasury was also Paymaster
General. He was created a Privy Councilor to Her Majesty The Queen in
After his wife died in 1994, he resigned
from Mr. John Major's government to spend more time with his children Iona
and James. The Lady Iona Sinclair was born in 1978 and after schooling in
Oxfordshire spent a year traveling and working in Australia, New Zealand,
and Africa. She has finished her schooling at Edinburgh University where
she received a zoology degree. James, The Lord Berriedale (known as
Berrie) was born in 1981. After attending school in Wales he traveled to
Bosnia , Africa, Australia and the U.S.A. Berrie then went on to Aviation
School to obtain his private pilot’s license.
Malcolm has once again taken an active
part in politics from the backbenches in the House of Lords. Also, he is
now dedicating much of his time to the Clan with the creation of the Clan
Sinclair Trust for the preservation of Castle Sinclair/Girnigoe. He has
attended many of the Highland Games in the USA as “Honored Guest” and as
“Chieftain of the Games”.