
Lost Rules and Regulations

From Charleston, South Carolina

Rediscovered by Illustrious McDonald “Don” Burbidge, 33º


Rules and Regulations

of Saint Andrews Lodge No. 10 

Whereas it is necessary that every Society of Men should have Laws, to Govern, Guide and direct them without which, regularity and good order could not long exist among them. The history of Nations, States and Societies from time Immemorial making this self evident. We the Master Wardens and Members of Saint Andrews Lodge Number Ten under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina held at our Lodge Room in Church Street at Brother Roche’s one Friday the 4th February 1820 and of Masonry 5820 have thought proper to Establish the following Bye Laws, Regulations, &

Rule _______1

(Time Appointed for Regular meetings amend ant the Lodge to Meet the 3rd Monday in each month.)

The regular Meetings of this Lodge shall be on the First Friday of every Calendar Month throughout the year. The Lodge shall consist shall consist of one Master, Two Wardens, Senior & Junior, One Treasurer, One Secretary, Two Deacons Senior & Junior, Two Stewards, A Tyler and as many Members as the Master and a Majority of the Members shall think proper, who shall be Master. The Tyler shall be a person well skilled in the mysteries of Masonry. His business is to stand at the out side of the Lodge Door in the Tyler room and to Guard the same to report to the Lodge those who desire to be admitted, To Summons the Members by order of the Master or presiding Officer signified to him by the Secretary or his Adjutant and to do such other duties as may by proper Authority be required of him for which served when allowed the sum of Twenty dollars, _______ to be paid Quarterly Exclusive of his Arrears if a member of the Lodge and to receive his prerequisite as Tyler for Initiations. 

Rule _______2

The Master, Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary, Deacons, and Tyler shall be chosen by ballot from among the Members of the Lodge on the noted regular meeting proceeding Saint John the Evangelist day being the twenty seventh day of December provided a Brother  or of any other Lodge can be found to serve as a Tyler from among the Members, but if not a Brother of any other Lodge may be Elected, unless the business to be done on such evening should make it necessary must be made evident and a Rule be entered on the Minutes of the Lodge previous to such elections taken place each member shall be entitled to One Vote and in case an equal number of Votes for any number of persons for one Office the Master shall be entitled to a Casting vote but not otherwise the present Master shall declare him having the greatest number of Votes shall declare him having the greatest number of Votes duly Elected. The Master shall then direct the Ballot for the Other Officers in turn to be Balloted for, as the foregoing. The Term of continuance in Office of any and all of the officers is Elected as afore said shall be for one year from the Twenty seventh day of December, but in case of death the resignation of any dispensation from the State, a conclusion from Office in consequences of improper conduct of any of the aforesaid Offices, the term of continuance shall be from the day of Election to the 27th day of December following.

No person owing to the amount of Six months dues to this Lodge Shall be eligible to Office or be allowed to vote at on Election for Officers.

Rule _______3

If any member refuses to serve in any Office of this Lodge except such as have already served Twelve months in such as he or they might have been Elected to serve in, he or they shall be Subjected to the following fines. The Master Eight Dollars, Each Warden Four Dollars, Treasurer and Secretary Three Dollars each, Deacon and Steward One Dallor each and to be fined in the like sum if they do not serve their full time without a Sufficient excuse to be approved of a Majority of the Lodge at a Regular Meeting.

 Rule _______4

(Expenses for Regular and Extra Meetings.)

The Expenses of the Evening Regular and Extra meeting shall not exceed Fifty Cent for each member present except upon special Occasions, Visitors Visitors to be charged Fifty Cents for each visit after the first visit provided he stays to supper if any that might that night. The Junior Warden shall at all meetings regular or Extra, keep account of the expenses and from time to time give such directions to the Stewards, as to keep them informed when the stated complaint is in Any Brother ordering in Liquour or other Refreshments without the consent of the Junior Warden shall be Obligated to pay the same which should Be or they so offending refuse so to do, the Amount of the same shall be to his or their account and Exhibited against them at the quarterly day. The Junior Warden on neglecting of informing the Lodge when the stated amount is in or ordering more than it shall be made chargeable with the over plus whatever it may be.

Rule _______5

(Restricting the time that the Lodge is at Labour)

During the time the Lodge is at Labour there shall be no Liqour introduced, smoking allowed within the Lodge on any pretence whatsoever.   

Rule _______6

(Behaviour of any Member in the Lodge.)

Any Member of the Lodge entering it disguised with Liquor or become so by to frequent or use of it therein, Swears, Curses, or offer to lay wager or who shall use any language in derogation of God’s Holy Name so as to interrupt the Harmony of the Lodge or any Officer or Member while in the Act of duty or speaking such conduct shall be deemed inconsistent in a Brother and he or they so offending shall be reprehended from the Chair and unlefs a sufficient excuse be immediately made he or they shall be fined Two Dollars if an Officer, if a Member not in Office the sum of One Dollar but on persisting to offend in like manner shall be Obligated to quit the room immediately and not be admitted until an apology is made and determined upon by the Lodge.  

Rule _______7

(Disputes arising between any Brethren of this Lodge to be determined.)

Any dispute arising between Brothers of this Lodge shall be heard and determined in the following manner, the Brother conceiving himself hurt and offended shall draw up a statement of the same on parties, and Addresses it to the Worshipful Master, Wardens, and members of this Lodge the same shall be read and a Committee be appointed on that

Evening provided the Accused be present but in case of the absence of either of the Accused or Accuser the Business shall lay over till next meeting and the absent parties absent are informed, but should he or they neglect to come forward the Petitioner shall name one member the Master another and the members a thirsty but in case of both being present each shall Nominate one and two Master a third, and if the Lodge turns it necessary two of the Masters Appointment shall be added the parties in Contention being first withdrawn which Committee shall hear each case of the parties determine the matter and report to the Lodge the same in writing signed by a Majority which shall be binding on them, but if the parties or either of them have before or absent the time submitted such dispute or the real cause of it to Common Law or any Court of Justice within the State or submitted to Arbitration the businefs shall not be entered upon or discufsed upon any pretence whatever.

Rule _______8

(In what Manner Application to be made.)

Any person Desirous of being Initiated into the Mysteries of Masonry in this particular Lodge, must apply by letter and be Recommended by a Member of the Lodge who must describe his person Moral Character and Occupation to the best of his knowledge as also his place of residence, such Letter shall be presented one regular meeting before he can be balloted for it shall be read on the night to presented and Referred to the Standing Committee to enquire into his Character &cc who must report thereon in writing under their hands to the Lodge on the next regular night of meeting and if favorable reported he shall immediately balloted for and if unanimously deemed Worthy shall be Initiated if a Resident of this State but should he be a Transient Person who Apply for Initiation his Character shall be enquired into the same evening, if one negative appears such member giving his negative shall be Obligated to give his reason in private to the Masters and Wardens which if by them deemed sufficient to prevent the Candidate being Initiated into the Mysteries of Masonry he shall be rejected, but if such reasons be insufficient the Master shall admonish the Brother who gave his Negative to resend the same that the Lodge may not be censured and prevent the feeling of a good man being hurt, but if Two negatives appear he shall be rejected without any inquiries. The Brother recommending a Candidate shall at the time of perceiving his Letter deposit into the hands of the Treasurer Five dollars in order that should the Candidate be found worthy and not come forward the Lodge may not suffer if not deemed worthy and not come forward the Lodge may not suffer if not deemed worthy or appearing for Inititiation the same shall be refunded otherwise to go to the funds of the Lodge. All the Members on Application to the Secretary shall be furnished with a copy of the Bye Laws. 

Rule _______9

On or before any Candidate can be Initiated into the Mysteries of Masonry in this Lodge he shall pay into the hands of the Treasurer for each degree the following sums, Viz, for entering Thirteen dollars for the Lodge to go to the Charity fund, and for applying to the Second degree he shall pay Eight dollars to the Charity fund and for raising Eight dollars to the Charity fund, and with the usual fees to the Tyler which shall be a dollar each degree.

Rule _______10

The Master shall have full power and Authority to order a Meeting of the Lodge on any Emergency at the stated place of Meeting but if the room should be engaged at any other he may deem proper when every Brother should be summoned.

Rule _______11

The Chest. Warrant Jewels and Furniture of this Lodge and the Cash making the Funds of the Lodge shall be kept in the possession of the Treasurer who shall at or before entering on the duties of his Office give Bond and approved Security to the Lodge to be accountable for the Cash or Specialties that may be delivered to him on entering in his Office and what he may receive from the Members while in Office and that he will deliver the same up, or such balance as may be in his hands at the expiration of his Term to his Successor in Office and if his Transactions and Accounts appear satisfactory to the Lodge he shall be entitled to his Bond, and the same shall be Cancelled and entered upon the Lodge Books.

Rule _______12

(In what manner Demands against this Lodge is to be paid.)

All demands against this Lodge shall be presented at their Regular Meetings and when found Just shall be noted on the Minutes by the Secretary. The Worshipful Master shall draw and order the Treasurer for the Amount which the Secretary must Account order or any demand otherwise transacted shall be admissible in settling the Treasurer accounts.

Rule _______13

(Duties of the Treasurer)

The Treasurer shall keep an Account open for each Member of this Lodge on Account for all Monies arising from Initiations and Admissions each separately and such other account as circumstances may require He shall Debit the Members with their Arrears and such fines as become due each month from the 27th day of December to the 24th day of June and so on in Secession make a list of Balances for the Inspection of the Lodge and at the expiration of every Twelve Months shall balance all the Accounts from the 28th day of December.

Rule _______14

(Duty of the Secretary)

The Secretary shall be provided with Pens, Ink, and Paper and also with Books and blank Summons at the expense of the Lodge all matters Transacted in the Lodge after being Discussed shall be entered upon the Minutes under the direction of the Master, he shall keep a list of the members present at each Meeting he shall make all Letters relative to the Business of the Lodge and Annually make a return of all the Officers and Members of the Lodge to the Grand Lodge as by their Bye Laws which he must produce to his Lodge for Approbation. The Secretary shall have three days notice from the Master in writing or otherwise for a Regular Meeting to Summons the Members, but for Extra Meetings a shorter notice must be deemed Sufficient and the Secretary’s Arrears be charged to the Lodge for his Services…

Rule _______15

(Respecting the Absence of the Master.)                        

In case of the absence of the Master at any of the Meetings regular or Extra the Senior Warden is to fill the Chair in the absence of the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden, unless they should think it most proper to request any Past Master present to fill the Chair, this at the Option of the Senior Officer present.

Rule _______16

(What manner a Brother must apply in order to become a member of this Lodge.)

Any Brother wishing to become a Member of this Lodge must address the Lodge in the usual form; To the Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Members, Initiating the same and if deemed worthy by a Majority of three fourths of the Present Members he shall be considered as Admitted, but he shall produce a Certificate from the Lodge he last belonged to purporting his good Conduct and that he be settled up on his Arrears to such Lodge but should he have been deprived of it by Accident or otherwise he shall be obligated to go through such Examination and form, as the Master shall direct to which if satisfactory after having paid the sum of three dollars to the treasurer to the funds of the Lodge and the Bye Laws he shall be considered a Member and take his seat in the Lodge but not otherwise but should having been a former Member make Application he shall be Admitted by consent of the Lodge free of Expense and sign the Bye Laws.

Rule _______17

(Application of a distress Brother have to be relieve.)

On application to the Lodge by a distressed Brother in his behalf of or in behalf of a Brother Widow or Children when applying for Relief that Master shall appoint a Committee to enquire into the Circumstances of such Applicant which committee shall be Obligated to enquire into the following day and report thereon in three days, or as short a period as possible to the Master to enable such relief to be granted as is consistent with the funds of the Lodge and care may require. The Master shall have power to draw on the Treasurer in the interval between the Meeting of the Lodge for the sum of Ten dollars for each applicant to grant immediate relief when deemed by the said Master necessary which necessity must be by the said Master explained to the Lodge at their regular Meeting and be submitted for their application.

Rule _______18

(Due from Members of this Lodge.)

All dues from the Brethren members of this Lodge due or to become due shall be appeased in the following way to pay the Expenses of the Evening Accounts becoming due for matters for the eve of the Lodge defraying expenses of Committee and dues of this Lodge to the Grand Lodge and at the end of every year whatever balances remain in the Treasurers hands after all balances due by the Lodge are particularly provided for shall be transferred to the Charity fund mentioned in Rule 10th which fund shall stand Charitable with all Donations and gifts given on Charitable principles. 

Rule _______19

(In what manner a Brother who wishes to discontinue being a member of this Lodge.)

A Brother wishing to be discontinuous as member of this Lodge must address the Master, Wardens, and Members in the usual manner in Writing (THIS SECTION COULD NOT BE MADE OUT)

A Member unbecoming as a Brother on a Motion having made and Seconded ___ and carried may be rejected from the Lodge and notice thereof sent to the Grand Lodge and after being entered on the Minutes of the Grand Lodge the Subordinate Lodges shall be made acquainted therewith the Secretary of this Lodge in writing.

Rule _______20

(Removable of this Lodge)

The Lodge shall not be removed until a motion is made and seconded past and consented by three fourths of the Members for such removal the Removal shall be made by motion Seconded in writing & be entered on the Minutes of that Evenings lay over for Debate to the next regularly meeting that the members may have full time to be informed of it so as to give their application or disapprobation as eventh most reasonable when a Majority of three fourths of the present members shall determine the Matter.

Rules _______21

(Dues of each member of the Lodge.)

The dues of each Member belonging to this Lodge or may hereafter Join it shall be at the rate of Nine dollars ______ to be charged and commanded of them Quarterly all Brethren (except the Grand Master, Officers of the Grand Lodge and Present Master of the Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina shall be subject to pay the sum of Fifty Cents for each visit after the first ___ Brother who may wish to visit this Lodge that has not before done so shall undergo such examination as the Master may direct or be vouched Qualified to enter this Lodge by some respectable Brother without which he or they shall not be Admitted.

Rules _______22

(During the Lodge be open the ______ to be observe red.)

When the Master calls to order there shall be observed a strict silence until he is done speaking and when a motion is made by any Member the utmost attention shall be paid thereto, if two or more shall speak at the same time the Master shall determine who first get up and permitted him to go on while in order and speaking to the rest motion but on deviating the Master shall be permitted to inform him wherein he is wrong and on continuing to the Motion, he shall not be interrupted but on being tedious and wasting to much time he shall be ordered to set and take his place & the next in order shall be permitted to go on…

Rules _______23

(The power of the Master and Warden.)

The Master, Wardens & Members congregated have full power and Authority to make, Amend and add to the Bye Laws for the general good of this Lodge before either, a motion purporting the same in writing shall be made and seconded & entered in the Minutes and notice be put on the bottom of the Summons that the Brethren that were absent may be apprised of the same and come prepared when the business shall be debated at the next regular Meeting thereafter and determined upon which must be consented to the General Rules of Masonry, and the Bye Laws of the Grand Lodge. Any Member trespassing in any manner not particular provided in these Bye Laws shall be dealt with as a Majority of the Lodge may think proper such determination shall not be conclusive until the next regular Meeting after the Committee _________.  

Rules _______24

(Extra Meeting.)

All Extra Meetings of this Lodge on Account of particular persons shall be at the their Expense which shall not exceed the Sum of Five Dollars each Evening.

Rules _______25

( How many persons to be admitted at one Meeting. )

This Lodge shall not admit to any degree of Masonry more than Five persons one Meeting nor shall one Man receive more than Two in one Night. There shall be no more than five Degrees directly conferred on any Member.

Rules _______26

(Funeral Procession.)

No Funeral Procession of any Brethren who has been a Member of this Lodge shall take place unless it is particularly requested by his Executors Administrators or friends in which case the expenses attending shall be borne by them and also Application to the Grand Lodge for a Dispensation to convene for that special Person.

Rules _______27

(Members speaking disrespectful of the Bye Laws.)   

Any Member or Members of this Lodge speaking disrespectful of the Secretary’s Bye Laws after having signed them shall be subject to be informed of the same from the Chair and on presetting to afford in like manner a second time shall on being found to ______

By a vote of the Lodge be fined if an Officer the sum of Five dollars, and if only an Office the sum of Two dollars. The Rules shall strictly observe and adhered to. They shall be read by the Secretary or some Brother of the Masters Appointment at each Quarterly Meeting if time will permit.

These Rules Read at the time at a Regular Meeting and Unanimously Agreed to on Friday Evening the Fourth day of February 5820 Charleston South Carolina.

In Testimony of our Approbation of the Foregoing Bye Laws. We the Underwritten have hereunto Subscribe our names.


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