It is with a heavy heart I post this notice of the passing of a great friend and brother. My heart goes out to the family and to those who had a chance to know Ill. Bro. Don and/or to read his works. Don had a most positive outlook, a great smile, and an unselfish spirit. He had a keen love for truth and Freemasonry. A special acknowledgement to those who supported his work. Brother Don will be missed.McDonald Lawrence Burbidge, LADSON, SC - McDonald Lawrence Burbidge, 59, husband of Kathryn Roszell Burbidge, of Ladson, SC, died Tuesday, October 12, 2010.Published in Charleston Post & Courier on October 15, 2010Please browse and enjoy yourselves. Also visit the Home page at your leisure. Comments are welcome!
Please Sign Our Guestbook
(Note: The Guestbook also serves the Mel Sinclair family website. This special section is a part of Mel's website. Feel free to leave a message for Don.) Click here for the Ill Bro. Don Burbidge Bio March 27, 2010: Brother Mel, a consideration please. Back in 1924 the building known to the Masons of South Carolina as the birth place for the first chartered Masonic Lodge, The Society of the Cincinnati, and the Scottish Rite to name just a few was torn down and a bank building was erected in its place. When the building was being torn down various pieces of wood from the building was saved along with sketches and bill of material in hopes that one day the rooms could be reconstructed. Throughout the years many Brothers have tried to locate this wood and could not. Our late Brother Wallace Reid asked me to get involved to see if I could locate the wood with the intent of reconstructing the room. It was believe a gentleman in Charleston who restores the old houses said he had it. I worked with this man for over a year and finally gave up as his stories on the wood were always changing. With this the project was put on the back burner. Next I started researching General Summerall and looking into the recording of the meeting of the Scottish Rite the answer to what became of this valuable wood was brought to light. After finding this information I went back and rewrote the story on the wood and our good friend at the Supreme Council, Brother Brent Morris published it in the, "Nov.-Dec. 2008," issue. This is the link to the story and if you would consider posting it on the web page our many Masonic brethren can learn a little bit more about our rich history. Click here for the link to the Scottish Rite article. Thanks you again for the consideration. Respectfully, Brother Don Burbidge January, 2009: REVISED with new discoveries!! Masonic Walking Tour of Charleston, SC With newly discovered information, Don has revised his Masonic Walking Tour of Charleston, South Carolina. This tour doesn't require a tour guide to be with you physically. Let Bro. Don be your tour guide with his narrative and his street map, pointing out many historically significant landmarks and events .... significant to Freemasonry and the general public. Even if you can't visit this lovely and friendly city, you'll want to read this narrative with map and visualize what once was .... and its impact on what we have today. Thanks, Bro. Don Click here for the Revised Masonic Walking Tour of Charleston, SC. May 21, 2008: See historical listing of South Carolina's:
Brethren, Companions and Sir Knights, please notify Ill Bro Don Burbidge of any errors and/or omissions. June 14, 2007: South Carolina York Rite History by Sir Knight Theodore S. Gourdin, , S.P.R.S in 1855. More light from Bro. Don's research. March 16, 2007: South Carolina York Rite Commandery No. 1 History -- Just when you think that Ill. Bro. Don Burbidge has discovered all that there is to be discovered, he visits the quarry one more time and ..... well, you'll just have to read this significant finding. Thanks, Bro. Don for all that you do for Freemasonry in South Carolina. Although you aren't the Grand Historian, you are indeed a Great Historian. Thank you for letting me be a part of your work. Best aye, Mel Sinclair (Website Owner and HSOD .... that is "Huge Supporter Of Don").
December 9, 2006:
"My talk for the occasion was on a St. Andrew's Lodge No. 40
(Formerly St. Andrew's Lodge No. 1) that was also an
Ancient lodge. Along with the talk I had a PowerPoint presentation that
showed for the first time pictures of the original "Rules and Regulations"
of this lodge along with original signatures of the members.
Also mentioned for the first time during the talk was that this was the lodge that General M. Gist who was a Revolutionary War General who served under General Washington was a member of. This information was not known by anyone until this meeting and is another first for Charleston, S. C. ". Don Burbidge November 15, 2006: Click here to read information and to see the Seal of the first Ancient Grand Lodge in South Carolina. The Ancient Grand Lodge existed in South Carolina from 1783 until 1817. There were actually two Grand Lodges and they came together to form what is now the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina. Brother Don compares several Seals for your viewing pleasure. The "Discovery" of the Seal of the Ancient Grand Lodge was made by Most Worshipful Brother G. Ray Marsh, Right Worshipful Brother Gerald "Jerry" Carver, and Ill. Bro. Don Burbidge. Congratulations to some great "work in the quarry"! October 14, 2006: The Civil War Lodge of Research No. 1865 A.F. & A.M. of the Grand Lodge of Virginia is proud to announce and honored to hold its Fall Communication in South Carolina on Saturday, October 14th, 2006 at Dentsville Lodge No. 398 near Columbia at 10:00 A.M. Brother Don Burbidge will present a program on Charleston and Masonry during and subsequent to the War Between the States. This will be quite a treat, as many of you know, Brother Don is a researcher of great renown and skill. Click on this hyperlink for more information regarding this meeting. May 12, 2006: Founders of the Scottish Rite Supreme Council: Return to this section often as Don continues to add articles about the Founders of the Scottish Rite Supreme Council, Charleston, SC, USA Reverend Frederick Ludovovs Dalcho November 30, 2005: Printed in Anderson’s Constitutions of 1738, it is states, “Earl Loudon granted a deputation to John Hammerton, Esq., to be Provincial Grand Master of South Carolina, in America.” Read more about Brother John Hammerton by clicking on this link. November 12, 2005: Don Burbidge gives an Historical presentation for the 250th anniversary celebration of Union Kilwinning Lodge No. 4, Charleston, SC. Another excellent piece of work by Ill. Bro. Don. To read the corresponding Charleston Post and Courier article, click here. Take time to read these two congratulatory letters from Ronald A. Seale, 330, Sovereign Grand Commander, Southern Jurisdiction, and Michael D. Smith, 330, Sovereign Grand Inspector General, South Carolina.
Brother Frederick Dalcho's "Circular", Orations (1801 and 1807) and his
Sermon preached in St. Michael's Church (Charleston, SC) on the Festival of
St. John the Evangelist (December 27, 1817): Brother’s
Albert Mackey, Wilmot Gibbs de Saussure,
and Ray Baker Harris who were three well known Masonic Historians, have written
much about Brother Frederick Dalcho. In all of their histories the name
Brother Frederick Dalcho was often mentioned, quoted, and spoken of in high
regard to the contributions he made to the fraternity.
On September 23, 1801, Brother Dalcho delivered his first "Oration" to the
"Sublime Grand Lodge," then located in Charleston, South Carolina. In his
opening statement, he stated, "The duty of this evening, to which, I am
called by the honor of your appointment, is a task infinitely more
important, and arduous, than my feeble abilities are equal to: And nothing
but the high respect I have for the Society.”
Click here for Dalcho's Sermon on the Festival of St. John The Evangelist (1817) April, 2005: Lost Rules and Regulations, 1820, St. Andrews Lodge No. 10. Take the time to review these by-laws and rules written nearly 200 years ago! Thanks Bro. Don for finding this info and making it available. April, 2005: Brother Don gives a talk. Read and view the slides. Some very interesting research and photos, including a message from Bro. George Washington. Yes, THE George Washington. Congrats to a great piece of work, Bro. Don February, 2005: Newspaper Articles On the Biennial Meeting of the Supreme Council Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, September 21-27, 1924. December 2004, Union Kilwinning newly discovered information. Click on the link in each paragraph to see the documentation:
July 17, 2004 Scottish Rite Strom Thurmond Class, Columbia, SC April 17, 2004
Hunley Crew Burial
May 9, 2004 Photos, by Don Burbidge, of the Hunley Crew being laid to rest. NOTE THE Grand Master of Alabama is pictured with the GM of SC. Stay tuned, there may be more photos. Don Speaks on Masonic History of Charleston, SC. Correction, THE LECTURE THAT WAS NOT TO BE: Don was scheduled to give the presentation below (see SLIDES) at the College of Charleston (SC); however, several days prior to the event, he "had" to cancel. No further explanation will be given on this website at this time.
KCCH Conferral, November 15, 2003 Ill. Most Worshipful Brother General Wilmot Gibbes DeSaussure, 330
Brother Henry William deSaussure, P.M.
The Right Reverend Robert Smith
Society of Cincinnati for the State of South Carolina
Various Stories Written
Historical Buildings & Social Clubs
Masonic Documents
Masonic Timeline
Photo's Around Charleston Masonic Tour of Charleston Charleston Information
War Between the States Information Revolutionary War Information NOTE: All stories, narratives, photos, etc., in this section of this website are the property of Don Burbidge, unless noted otherwise, and are copyright protected. Nothing on this entire website can be reproduced in part or in full without express written permission of the author(s).
Nothing from this website may be copied or reproduced, in part or whole, or in any manner, without the express written approval of the owner of this website or the author of the particular work. This includes, but is not limited to, all photos, stories, graphics, and information on this website. |