
Warrants, Court Actions, Publication

Courtesy of Lisa Burns research

Union Co. General Sessions Court
State vs. Thomas Scales    #2300

South Carolina
Union District

Personally came before me Marian Cudd, and after being duly sworn despneth? and saith that on the third day of this present month at the petallion muster ground that Thomas Scales did insult him and attempt to murder him by the assistance of Hiram L. Mitchell, give him the gun, and Samuel Scales and Joseph S. Robeson, R.B.H. Vaughn, Eliah Mitchell, and Thomas Vinson did assist him in the attempt of murder on me which I believe to the best information that I have or can get---this sixth day of October 1846  Isom Vaughn--Mag.

South Carolina
Union District
To any lawful offiser [sic]
Whereas M. Cudd has this day came before me and made oath that on the third day of October this present at the petallion muster ground that Thomas Scales did insult and attempt to murder him and Hiram L. Mitchell and Samuel Scales, Joseph S. Roberson R.B.H. Vaughn Elias Mitchell and Thomas Vinson did assist in said attempt.  These are therefore to command you forthwith to apperhend the said Thomas Scales and Hiram C. Mitchell Samuel Scales J. S.Roberson, R.B.H. Vaughn Elias Mitchell and Thomas Vinson in ???of the state, to appear before me to be further dealt with according law.
Given under my hand and seal this 6th day of October 1846
Isom Vaughn  Mag.


South Carolina
Union District
Be it remembered that on the sixth day of October one Thousand eight hundred and forty six.  F.M. Cudd of the District aforesaid and E.M. Gregory of the same place personally appeared before me Isom Vaughn one of the magistrates assigned to keep the peace in said District and acknowledged to owe the State of South Carolina jointly in the sum of to hundred dollars to be made and levied of this several good and chattles lands and tennements spectively to the use of the said State of the said FM Cudd shall make default in the condition under written.
The condition of this recognigance is such of the above bound F.M. Cudd shall personally appear at the of general sessions of the peace to be holden at Union Court house on the second Monday of this present month then and there to answer to an inditement will be brought against him in behalf of the said state in an efrey? and assault and do not depart with out leave of the said court there this recognigance to be paid or is to remain in force and virtue.
Taken and acknowledged before me this 6th day of October 1846
Isom Vaughn  Magt

F.M. Cudd
E.M. Gregory

State of South Carolina
Union District

Personally appeared Elias Mitchel before me W.E. Bates One of the Magistrates assigned to keep the peace in and for the District aforesaid and makes othe that Daniel Mosely and James Becknel and John Gault and William D. Gault and William Blair and John Cudd N.H. Bradley thomas Binson and Glober Mitchell as material witnesses against James Sinclair and Griffin Scales and Thomas Scales and Marian Cudd and Mack? Boneal for an afray and assault and Battery Sworn to and Subscribed before me the 5th Oct. 1846
W.E. Bates
Elias Mitchel

South Carolina
Union District
To Any Lawful Constable whereas Elias Mitchel has this Day made othe before me that Above named persons is matereal witnesses in behalf of the State Against Griffin Scales and Thos Scales and James SINCLAR and Marian Cudd and Mack Boneal for Afray and Assalt and Baterry and you are require to arrorest them and bring them before me to be ??? in Recognizants for this personaly appreance at the next cort to be holden at Union Cort house given under my hand and Seal the 30th October 1846
W.E. Bates

State of South Carolina
Union District

Be it Remembered, That we acknowledge ourselves to owe the State of South Carolina--that is to say, James Becknel and John Sanders two hundred Dollars, jointly good and lawful money of the said State, to be made and levied of our Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenaments, for the use of the State, if there shoul be default made in the condition underwritten.

The condition of the above obligation is such, That if the abovce bound James Becknel shall personally appear at the next Court of General Sessions and Common Pleas to be holden at Union court House, on the Second Monday in the present month and shall then and there give evidence in behalf of the State Against Griffin Scales and others for An offray and Assalt and Batery and abide and perform the sentence and order of said Court, and not depart the said Court without leave thereof:
Then the above Recognizance to be void, otherwise remain in full force and virtue.
Taken and acknowledted, the 12th day of October 1846
James H. Becknell

J. Sanders.


State of South Carolina
Union District                          $200.00

Be it remembered that on the seventh day of October in the year of out Lord One Thousand eight hundred and forty six Hiram L. Mitchell and Newt. Smith {Senr} both of the said District personally appeared before me Robt V. Harris one of the magistrates in and for the District aforesaid and acknowledged theselves to owe the State of South Carolina each one the sum of two hundred dollars to be made and ??? of several and inspection goods and chattels lands and tenements to the use of the said State if the said Hiram L. Mitchell shall make default in the conditions under written.

The condition of this Recognezance is such that if the above bound Hiram L. Mitchell shall personally appear at the next general sessions of the peace and to be holden at Union Court house in and for the District of Union on the second Minday in October this present month and shall then and there answer  to a Bill? of indictment to be prepared against him by F. M. Cudd of the said district for assisting Thomas Scales in assaulting and attempting to murder him the said F. M. Cudd at the muster field near S. W. Bently's in the said District on the third day of the present month and do not depart without ?? of the court then this Recognizance to be void otherwise to Remain in full force and Value.
acknowledged before me the day and year above written.
R V Harris  Magt.

H. L. Mitchell
Newell Smith

State of South Carolina
Union District
Personaly appeared Elias Mitchel before me W. E. Bates one of the Magistrates assigned to keep the in and for the Dist afore said and makes othe that he believes that Griffin Scales and Thomas Scales and Marion Cudd and Mack B. Neal and James Sinclar was ingaged in an afray and assult and Batry the 5 [or3] October 1846 Subscribed before me the 5th? October 1846
W. E. Bates

Elias Mitchell

South Carolina
Union District
To any Lawful constable whereas Elias Mitchel has this day appeared before me and made othe that he be leaved that Griffin Scales and Thomas Scales and Marian Cudd and Mack Boneal and James Sinclar was ingaged in an unlawful Afrary and you are hereby Required to Arrest the parties and bring them before me to be bound in Recongnizants for their personally appearance the next cort of General Sessions of the peace to be holden at Union Cort House on the Second Monday in Present month
Given under my hand and seal the 5?th October 1846
W. E. Bates

State of South Carolina,
Union District
Be it remembered that we acknowledge ourselves to owe the State of South Carolina--That is to say, James Sinclair and TS.W. Bently each two hundred Dollars,
good and lawful money of the said State, to be made and levied of our Goods and Chattels Lands and Tenaments, for the use of hte State, if there should be default made in the condition underwritten.

The condition of the aboce obligation is such, that if the above bound James Sinclair
shall personally appear at the next Court of General Sessions and Common Pleas to be holden at Union Court House, on the second Monday in this present month and shall then and there to answer to a Bill of indictment against him set for an Afray and Assalt and Batery Comade? the 5th of this Instant.
and abide and perform the sentence and order of said Court, and not depart the said court without leave thereof:
Then the above Recognizance to be void, otherwise remain in full force and virtue.
Taken and acknowledged, the fifth day of October 1846
W. E. Bates  magt.

James  X  Sincler  [mark]
S. W. Bentley

South Carolina
Union District
Be it remembered that on hte 7th day of October one thousand eight hundred and forty six Thos Scales of the District aforesaid and John Scales of the same place Personally appeared before me Ison Vaughn one of the magistrates assigned to keep the peace in said District and acknowledged to owe the State of South Carolina jointly and severly the sum of three hundred dollars to the made and levied of there several goods and Chattles lands and tenements respectively to the use of the said State if the said Thomas Scales Shall personally appear at the Court of general sessions of the peace to be holden at Union Court hous on the second Monday in this present month then and there to answer to an undeterment which will be brought against him in behalf of the state and do not depart without leave of the Court there remain in full force and virtue Taken and acknowlege before this 7th day of Oct. 1846

Isom Vaughan  Magt.

Thomas Scales
John Sales?

South Carolina
Union District
Be it remembered that on the 6th day of October [October scratched through] 1846.  Joel [or Jock] J. [or I.] Adams of the district aforesaid and ?. ?. Mitchell of the same place personally apperared before me Isom Vaughn one of hte magistrates assigned to keep the peace in the said District and acknowleged themselves to owe the State of South Carolina jointly the sum of two hundred dollars to be made and levied of there several goods and chattles lands and tenements respectively to the use of the said state if the said Joel J. Adams shall make defalt in the condition under written.
The condition of this recognezance is such that if the above bound Joel J. Adams shall personally appear at the next court of general sessions of the peace to be holden at  Union Court hous on the second Monday in this month to give evidence in behalf of the state against Thos' Scales Saml' Scales J. L. Roberson  R. B. H. Vaughan  Elias Mitchell Jnr.  Hiram L? Mitchell, Thoms Vinson and do not depart without leave of said Court then this recognizance to be void orto remain in full form and virtue
Taken and acknowledged before me the 6th day of October 184_
Isom Vaughn magt.

Joel J. Adams
?. ?. Mitchell

South Carolina
Union District

Be it remembered that on the 7th day of October 1846 Samuel Scales of the District aforesaid and John Scales of the same place personally appeared before me isom Vaughn one of the magistrates assigned to keep the peace in said district and acknowledged to be the state of South Carolina pointly and severly the sum of three hundred dollars to be made and levied of there several goods and chattles lands and tenements repectively to the use of the said state if the said Saml' Scales shall make defalt in the condition under written 
The condition of this recognizance is such that if the above leavied Saml' Scales shall personally appear at the court of general sessions of the peace to be holden at Union court hous on the second monday in this present Month then and there to answer to an inditment which will be brought against him in behalf of the state and do not depart without leave of the court then this recognizance to be void or els to remain in full force and virtue

Taken and acknowledged before
me this 7th day of October 1846
Isom Vaughn magt.

Samuel Scales
John Scales


The state vs. the dead body of Joseph Hughes Sr.  Inquisition taken July 25, 1853 by R.V. Harris. 

James Sincler, being duly sworn, deposed that he was at the house of James A. Price on Sunday, 24 July 1853, Price attempted to whip his wife, witness begged him not to do it.  Price then commenced fighting witness.  Witness then left, called to Joseph Hughes who was there behaving himself very civil to go with him, Hughes did not leave.   Witness when some forty or fifty steps from Price heard blows struck, heard the women crying and hollering.
Signed by James (X) Sincler before Robt. V. Harris.

"The Yorkville Enquirer"
Issue:  March 28, 1872
{This is in reference to the "Ku Klux Cases" tried in the Supreme Court at Charleston.  Many, many, prominent and not so prominent men from Union, Spartanburg, Laurens and surrounding areas were arrested and taken to Charleston.  The local newspapers of the time claim the main reason for the arrests were to remove white men, who were eligible to vote, from the area during the election.

"The following is a list of prisoners from Union County, now confined in the jail at Charleston:  . . .James Sinclair..."  {34 named all together, in just this one arrest}.


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