

Charter First Ancient Lodge

No. 1, in Pennsylvania.]                                                                         [No. 89, in England




Wm. Dickey, S. G. W.           Wm. Osborn, D.G.M.         J. Gibson, J.G.W.     


To all whom it may concern: 

  We, the Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons (according to the Old Constitutions granted by his Royal Highness Prince Edwin, at York, in the year of our Lord nine hundred twenty and six), in ample form assembled, viz., the Right Worshipful and Right Honorable Thomas Erskine, Earl of Kelly, Viscount Fenton, Lord Baron of Pittenween, etc., in Great Britain, Grand Master of Masons, the Right Worshipful Mr. William Osborn, Deputy Grand Master, the Right Worshipful Mr. William Dickey, Senior Grand Warden , and Right Worshipful James Gibson, Esq., Junior Grand Warden, etc. with the approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges. Held within the cities and suburbs of London and Westminster, do hereby authorize and empower our trusty and well-beloved, brethren (that are now or hereafter may become inhabitants) in the Province of Pennsylvania, to form and hold a Grand Lodge in the city of Philadelphia, in the said Province, independent of any former dispensation, warrant, or constitution granted (by us or our predecessors) to appoint our trusty and dearly-beloved brother Right Worshipful William Ball, Esquire, our Provincial Grand Master in Pennsylvania aforesaid, and the territories thereunto belonging; our trusty and well-beloved brother, Captain Blaithwaite Jones, his Deputy Grand Master; our trusty and well-beloved brother, Mr. David Hall, his Senior Grand Warden; and our trusty well-beloved brother, Mr. Hugh Lennox, his Junior Grand Warden, and etc. And we do hereby further authorize and empower our said trusty and well-beloved brethren, Messrs. William Ball, Esquire, Captain Blaithwaite Jones, David hall, and Hugh Lennox to grant dispensations, warrants, or constitutions for the forming, holding, and well governing Lodges within his Worship’s jurisdiction aforesaid; and in his (or such other Lodge or Lodges by him authorized), to make and admit Freemasons according to the most ancient and honorable custom of the Royal Craft in all ages and nations throughout the known world; and we also do farther empower and appoint the said Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania to hear and determine all and singular matters relating to the Craft within the territories and jurisdiction aforesaid, strictly requiring all our loving brethren within the said jurisdiction to be conformable to all and every of the good rules, orders, issues, and decrees that shall from tome to time be ordered, issued, or decreed by the said Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania; and lastly, we do hereby further authorize and empower our said trusty and dearly-beloved brethren, Messrs. William Ball, Esquire, Captain Blaithwaite Jones, David Hall, and Hugh Lennox, with advice and consent of the Warranted Lodges within the jurisdiction aforesaid, to nominate, choose, and install their successors, to whom they shall deliver this warrant and invest them with all their powers and dignities as Freemasons. And such successors shall in like manner nominate, choose, and install their successors, etc., etc., etc., such installations to be upon (or near) every St. John’s (the Evangelist’s) Day during the continuance of this Lodge forever. Providing that the above-named brethren, and all their successors, pay due respect to the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge, otherwise this warrant to be of no force or virtue.

 Given under our hands and the seal of the Grand Lodge in London, the twentieth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred sixty and four, and the year in Masonry, 5764.


                                                                                    Lau. Dermott,  

                                                                                                       Grand Secretary,


                                                  N. B. – This warrant is registered in the Grand Lodge in                  

                                                   London, Vol. 3d, Letter C, and bears date July 15th, 1761.        


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