
Israel De Lieben


 By: Ill. Bro. McDonald “Don” Burbidge, 33° 

1740  Born at Prague, Czechoslovakia (formerly Bohemia). 

1792  March 20, Lieben signs a patent for Abraham Jacobs at Savannah, Georgia. His title at the time was , “ Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason, Knight of the East, Prince of Jerusalem, Perfect Prince Mason, Duely authorized by the Most Puissant and Illustrious Grand Council of Dublin, on the 11th day of January 1770, under the immediate auspice of the Most Puissant and Illustrious Marquis of Kildare, now Duke of Linster.” 

1797  Becomes a member of “Orange Lodge No. 14” and assumes the position of “Hospitaller of the Grand Lodge during the same year. 

1801  Establishes the Supreme Council in Charleston, South Carolina 

1802  The City Register lists Israel De Lieben a native of Bohemia, Commission Merchant, age 61.


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