Clan Sinclair, Greenville, SC, USAThe Right Honorable Sir Malcolm Ian Sinclair, Member of Her majesty's Privy Council, Earl of Caithness, Chief of the Name and Arms of Sinclair appoints Melvin Sinclair, Jr. as His Commissioner for the USA, June 2007. Link to page for Commission and photos. Photos from 2008 Gathering in Scotland. Mel could not attend but somehow was included in the trip. See photos. Clan Sinclair was the Honored Clan for
the 2004 Grandfather Mountain (NC) Highland Games.
Click here for trip report, etc.
Click on any photo or hyperlink for a larger photo or narrative. My
family Click on thumbnail for larger photo.
Photo (l. to r.) Kimberly and baby Liam, Michael, Lynne, Mel, Daughter Kimberly,
Kailey, Thomas and Jenna
My name: Melvin Sinclair, Jr. b. 08/04/1948, married Charlotte Lynne Gregory (b. 12/1/1950). We are both from Whitmire, SC. Marriage: 07/12/70. Children: Melvin Michael Sinclair b. 09/06/1971, Thomas Gregory Sinclair b. 02/14/1976, and Kimberly Lynne Sinclair b. 02/09/1977. Grandchildren, Kailey Lynne Sinclair b. 03/17/98, daughter of Kimberly Lynne Sinclair; Michael Liam Sinclair b. May 28, 2002, son of Melvin Michael and Kimberly Luttrell Sinclair. Charles Thomas "Tommy" Gregory, my dear father-in-law, passes on July 23, 2005. Click on this link to read about this wonderful man.
Grandfather: William Frank Sinclair, 09/13/1884-09/04/1952 in Spartanburg County, SC, married Gertrude Roddy (from Lando,SC in Chester County). They had eight children, four boys and four girls. Maude, Henry Theodore, Jeannette, William, Boyd, Naomi and Melvin and Nellie who are twins. Papa Frank moved from the Brown's Creek Baptist Church Community in Union County, near Lockhart, SC (where he grew up) to Whitmire in 1907. Great Grandfather: Nimrod "N.T." Sinclair b. 1858-1931 Married Sally Morris (1858-1897). This would be my line with his first wife. Click on this link to see an old photo of NT, his second wife Lillie Eddings (or Edwards), and his son Victor. Sorry, the photo is a little blurry. They had six children: Hugh, Esther, William Frank, Victor, Ida, and John Lawrence. Nim's second wife was Lillie Edwards or Eddings, 1875-1936. GG Grandfather: James "Pap" Sinclair, 1811-1905 click on this link to see an old photo of James and his wife Susan or click on this link to see the same photo with two daughters. I don't have their names. Scroll down to see the daughters. Very pretty. Here is another interesting photo of James and family outside the house. James had eleven children (not necessarily in birth order): William Edd, Nimrod Thomas, Nathaniel, Jefferson, John, Leonard, Emma Line, Elizabeth, Sara Jane, Rohdia, and Susan Ann. GGG Grandfather: John Sinclair, Abt. 1780-1844 John married Elizabeth Harris born between 1780-1795, died about 1839. John and Elizabeth’s children were-James, John, Benjamin, William, Sarah, Elizabeth, Polly, Elisah, Nancy, Anna. (May not be all of the children's names). The Big Question: GGGG Grandfather?: Duncan Sinclair: We speculate, due to the circumstantial evidence regarding executor records and land purchases of John Sinclair, that Duncan Sinclair may be the father of John Sinclair. There is no absolute proof that we’ve been able to locate as of January 2003. Duncan was christened 28 September, 1753 in Inverary, Glenary, Argyll, Scotland. We do not know when he came to America. He married first Isabel McIntyre. Later he married Mary Fulton. Duncan Sinclair died September 20, 1805 in York Co SC. Mary died after 1810 in York Co, SC. Mary and Duncan had 8 children. John Sinclair, our line, born about 1780, died 1844. ********************** The Family Line: Thanks to (real cousin) Lisa Burns (email address) for some of the research and getting me started. Lisa has been at this for a while and has tons of information on the Sinclair's from the Brown's Creek Community in Union County, SC, where our ancestors lived and many of the original line still reside. Also, my dad, aunt, and an April 5, 1951 Whitmire News (Whitmire, Newberry County, SC, USA) contributed much of the information. Many of our relatives are buried at the Brown's Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. Lisa has provided two formats for our Sinclair line: Format 1 and Format 2. I'll update as I have time, including the dates and marriages for Papa Frank's children. In the meantime, cousin Grady Lee Overstreet has prepared the Sinclair genealogy via this link and this Roddy link (Papa Frank's wife, Grandmother Gertrude Roddy or Roddey). I have edited it to include my children and grandchildren and also to question Duncan Sinclair as our ancestor, since this appears to be based upon circumstantial evidence (land transactions, etc.) Lisa Burns and Grady's list are somewhat different. Cousin Joyce Sinclair Lambert (Uncle Boyd's daughter) has notified me that there is much information missing relating to Grandfather Frank's children (our Aunts and Uncles) on Grady's list. We'll work on that as we can but again, thanks to Grady for the information that he has sent. My "second cousin", Jeremiah Sinclair (uncle Boyd's grandson) was featured in the February 2004 Union Daily Times (newspaper) as possibly being the youngest Chief of Police in the state of South Carolina. Click on this link to read the story. The courts, in the mid-1850's, seemed to document a couple of our ancestors pretty well. Court Documents, courtesy of the research of Lisa Burns. Some things you just don't want to know about ... Distilling? Peace bond? Attempted murder? Surely not! Click here for some documents from the courts in the mid-1850's. I'd rather hear about the Knights Templar or Prince Henry! ************************************************* Photos Below are some photos from a by-gone era. To look into their eyes and wonder what their thoughts may have been, particular as young people ... their hopes and aspirations.
Well, I'll continue as time (and information) is available. If you are interested in more family old photos, go to this link and scroll to the bottom of the page. ******************************** Court Documents, courtesy of the research of Lisa Burns. Some things you just don't want to know about ... Distilling? Peace bond? Attempted murder? Surely not! Click here for some documents from the courts in the mid-1850's. I'd rather hear about the Knights Templar or Prince Henry! ********************************* Click here for information on our home town of Whitmire, South Carolina. |
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